The Real Wolf
This is a short paragraph about the true heart of the real wolf. For generations wollves have been very much misunderstood. People didn't realize who they werem that they were gentle, caring creatures who helped out humans in many ways. I hope this paragraph will help you to understand wolves better. After you think you have a change at heart, why not go and join the pack!
For generations the most misunderstood creature was the wolf, a fearless but caring creature that had helped out in many ways. Long ago, many native americans have learned to live with the wolf, and respect them in many ways. Now, many people hate wolves, and write horrible stories about them. Many farmers kill wolves to save their chickens. What people don't realize is that all this hunting is just for the wolves to survive. Many people don't realize it, but all dogs, from tiny chihuahuas to large irish wolfhounds are all decendents from wolves. As it is believed, long ago, in the stone age, humans kept wolves in captivity and tamed them. That's how some wolves became domestic and evloved into the dogs you see today. The canines are born hunters, they rely on meat which they hunt and kill to survive. If we keep up, the wolves may become extinct. They are already an endangered species. Luckily, with your help, wolves are close to being taken off the endangered species list. Another thing against the real wolf is the common old folk stories. Stories like the childrens tale the three little pigs or the classic novel white fang. Many people start hating wolves after they read about the "big bad wolf". Hopefully, by understanding this paragraph and joining the pack, you can help to prevent the hate of wolves.