Wolf River
Wolves are our brothers. They are one of us, we just don't realize it. They are not a danger to us, we are a danger to them. If we all learn to respect and be kind too the wolves, the world shall be in harmony.
Welcome friend, to Wolf River. Here you will find everything you need to know about the world of wolves. Please remember to sign the guestbook after your stay. Come forth now, the wolves are waiting...
Wolf River is a site dedicated to the spirit and heart of the true wolf. This creature has been very much misunderstood through time. Hopefully, Wolf River can help restore the love of the wolf in most people. If you think you would like to help, click on "pack" to join the wolf river pack. Once you join, you'll recieve weekly wolf newsletters packed with things for wolf lovers. Well, that's all I have to say for now, remember to sign the guestbook, oh, and if you have any questions or comments just click on the e-mail wolf to contact me. Thanks, bye.
Just as a small reminder, this site is wolves-only. That means you must only post about wolves in the messege boards, any you can only chat about wolves in the chat room. Also, if you do not like wolves, then I suggest you not to join the pack, since the newsletters are about wolves only, and all you can do in the pack is talk about wolves and crate you're own communities for wolf lovers. Thanks for your support, have a fun time at the river!
Remember my friends, wolves are our brothers. Learn to live with one, they are your friends. Fear them? You will be parted from wolves foever my friend, fear is what kicks our life into the ditch of misery and hate. I have befriended a wolf living in a forest near my home, his name is Amaroq. Do not be afraid my friend, go up and meet them, a wolf is very gentle. Do not be afraid because as I said, fear is a long, narrow path, a path to the ditch of hatred for wolves. You may walk this path, but do you chose to turn around into the world of faith, or keep walking to misery?
Remember, killing wolves is horrible, if you do, please change! I cannot stand the hunting happening where I live! One time even on a walk, I found a dead wolf lying in the forest with a bullet in it's head. I kissed him, and placed a rose in his paws. It was a sad moment, please, whoever killed this poor thing, please show more respect. Remember, wolves are our brothers. They are one of us, we just don't realize it.

May your dreams be blessed with this wolf dream catcher. A dream catcher has a large net on it so the good dreams can slip through the holes into our heads, and the bad dreams will get caught in the net. Happy dreams, hooowwll!

Oh, and also, remember, everybody here is working together to make a difference at Wolf River. Please sign the guestbook with your ideas and comments, but please, nothing mean! If there is something you don't like, say it in a nice way, such as for example, "I don't care for your background, perhaps you can change it." Do that instead of saying "Your background is really horrible." Those entries will be deleated. Remember, keep the river clean, don't litter it with rude comments, rude posts in the messege boards, or anything that has to do with the hatred of wolves. If you do hate wolves whatsoever, try clicking on "the real wolf" and maybe you'll have a change of heart. Also, sorry for the way the cursor looks, it just doesn't match the theme of this site. It would be hard to change it, because it's on every page.
Wolf Info
Wolf Images
See the Real Wolf
The Pack
*Win An Award
*My Love For Wolves
*Wolf Classes
*The Heart of a Wolf
Links and Credits
*Links with a * next to them are currently unavailable. Remember, the river is under major construction each day and we hope to build a nice, thriving community for wolf lovers alike.

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© Copyright 2000 by WhiteWolf. Please, do not steal any typed up information on this site. The pictures however are not mine, they are from other sites which appear on my links page.
This page was first started on August 30, 2000